"My favorite thing is to go where I've never been."
-Diane Arbus
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Quote of the Day 7/18/09
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
-George Bernard Shaw
I was just thinking about this because TopGun and I did some "close-quarter" defense training last night. The idea came out of nowhere, and while it was interesting and important, it was also fun to spend some "up" time with him - much different than just sitting on the couch :-)
-George Bernard Shaw
I was just thinking about this because TopGun and I did some "close-quarter" defense training last night. The idea came out of nowhere, and while it was interesting and important, it was also fun to spend some "up" time with him - much different than just sitting on the couch :-)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fred of the Day 7/16/09
Quote of the Day 7/16/09
Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?
Just thought this was funny, considering I have no job, no income, and am shacking up with my boyfriend!! Still, I'm having a blast!
Just thought this was funny, considering I have no job, no income, and am shacking up with my boyfriend!! Still, I'm having a blast!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fred of the Day 7/15/09
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Quote of the Day 7/11/09
"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability."
-Sam Keen
And believe me, I'm all about lying around doing nothing in the summer sun.
-Sam Keen
And believe me, I'm all about lying around doing nothing in the summer sun.
Fred of the Day 7/11/09
I've been brainwashed ...
For some reason, I can't leave the bedroom in the morning without making the bed and putting the pillows on it or I feel guilty. Damn, that sucks!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Quote of the Day 7/10/09
"A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken."
-James Dent
I only say this today because I mowed the lawn - with a PUSH MOWER! Have only done it once before, and don't really want to do it again!
-James Dent
I only say this today because I mowed the lawn - with a PUSH MOWER! Have only done it once before, and don't really want to do it again!
Fred of the Day 7/10/09
Oh yeah, I'm a beach dog. I'm the hot shi-ite! Chasing birds, chasing sand crabs, chasing birds, digging holes, chasing birds, swimming, sitting on the floatie, going for walks, sniffing shells, chasing birds. Oh and did I say chasing birds? Mom was getting pretty tired of yelling my name :-) And I got to ride in the plane!!

I've been lax in my duties . . . .
Yes, I know I'm terrible, but not having a job is playing hell with my blogging. When I was working, I at least had some time each day where I could make a few comments, post a few pictures, do a little whatever. Now that I am once again jobless, my days have no routine, no structure! Can I also say that I've been really, really, REALLY occupied!?!? My parents were here for a week (GREAT visit!), and then came the 4th of July weekend (16 people in a beach house at Carrabelle - what an amazing time!). It's taken me a week to catch up on all the "other" stuff I needed to do, like organize pictures, clean the house, do the laundry.
Oh, and yes, I'll be getting back into a routine. No being a slug in front of the computer (although that is part of the routine), and must get up and get dressed every day. Look for job is #1, then comes keeping TopGun and the house all clean and happy. Will be taking pics everyday also! I took almost 500 at Carrabelle, and while some turned out ok, most of them weren't great. Practice, practice, practice!
But then we have Oshkosh at the end of the month, so that's a week out of my time. Oh, and then TopGun and I (he surprised me - was going to tell me the day of, but I'm glad he didn't!) are going to the USVI (St, John's) the first week in August. Damn, I'm busy!
Oh, and yes, I'll be getting back into a routine. No being a slug in front of the computer (although that is part of the routine), and must get up and get dressed every day. Look for job is #1, then comes keeping TopGun and the house all clean and happy. Will be taking pics everyday also! I took almost 500 at Carrabelle, and while some turned out ok, most of them weren't great. Practice, practice, practice!
But then we have Oshkosh at the end of the month, so that's a week out of my time. Oh, and then TopGun and I (he surprised me - was going to tell me the day of, but I'm glad he didn't!) are going to the USVI (St, John's) the first week in August. Damn, I'm busy!