Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm back!

I figured now that the whole "it's cool to be a blogger" thing is pretty much done, I'll start up again.

I have one main reason for doing this, and I'm planning on calling it .... get this .... you're gonna love it ...... I think it's hokey, but I had to do something to get me motivated ...... Project 40!

Yeah, yeah, I'm turning 40 this year. I have about 9 months to get my sorry-ass life back in shape (ok, my sorry ass body and my sorry ass life). I figure - I could either have a baby in that time (NOT gonna happen), or spend it doing something more productive, like take care of myself and enjoy every minute of it :-) And yes, I know that once I actually get myself in shape and start to take care of myself, and make enough money to be able to support myself again (long story - damn, it's been along time since I've talked about my life), that TopGun is going to drop me like a hot rock, but I guess I need to do it anyway - this is all about me. If he actually decides to stay with me, it would be a positive - but I don't count on it - I think he's already mentally checked out of the relationship .....

Oh well ... until next time ....