This is the almost every day, mundane blog of an unmarried 40-year-old woman. All I really know is that each day is a new adventure. Sounds fun, right?
My favorite things . . . . . in real time (5/14/12)
Knowing who I am, and being very comfortable with that. Sure, I have insecurities, but at this point, they're the little things.
Sex. Now that I'm getting it again, very regularly and very vigorously < BIG grin >, it's still one of my favorite things.
Lying in the hammock, a light breeze, and a good book.
Giving myself permission to do absolutely nothing except read a book, even though I know there are a thousand other things I could be doing.
Shopping - need I say more?
Lazy Saturday mornings, sunny afternoons, and relaxing evenings outside snuggling with a cold beer - Ahhh, summertime.
Kisses on the back of the neck - still one of my favorite things.
Staying connected with people you haven't connected with the important people in your life - realizing that your true friends will always be there.
My monsters - watching them play fills me with joy.
Taking a minute each day to realize how truly fortunate I am, and understanding that I can do whatever I want to do because I control who I am and what happens to me, regardless of the situations I'm in.